Thursday, August 14, 2008

To Vote or Not to Vote

Seems pretty obvious I know...

In talking with a friend who works at a policy organization, I am shocked to hear the number of christian churches that don't think getting involved in encouraging voting is their job. Are you kidding me? The leaders in this country make the decisions that dictate our freedoms and ability to prosper as a nation. We must take a stand to keep evil people out of office. It is not about voting for a party or a celebrity but its about voting your values that God has placed in your heart. This goes back to the whole Condorcet's Method that would encourage this, but I digress.

To follow up to this, make sure that you are impacting locally what you are passionate about. For example: I hear all the time about pro life issues. I wonder how many people out there have ever visited and comforted a young pregnant woman who has nothing but shame in her life? Better yet have they worked to provide that woman with the resources to support and care for the child so she knows without a doubt that her child will have a good life? As long as abortion is legal you will have more impact in saving lives by providing hope to young women in dire situations than any vote. Ironic I know.

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